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Pupil premium

The Government introduced Pupil Premium in 2011. It is additional to main school funding and is intended to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years.

Statement of Intent


Oak Farm Primary School is a foundation school located in the London borough of Hillingdon. The school was newly established in September 2021 following the amalgamation of the existing Infant and Junior Schools, which shared a common site.

We are a three-form entry primary school and provide extended provision from 7.30am through to 6.00pm as a result of our breakfast club and after-school club.

We firmly believe in providing children with a high quality, rounded education and have high aspirations for all of our pupils


At Oak Farm Primary School, we are fully committed to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their background or the challenges they face, are able to reach their full potential. The focus of our Pupil Premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils by removing barriers to learning and providing them with the same life-chances as their peers.

We aim to provide an engaging, high-quality curriculum that meets the needs of all of our pupils and enables them to make good progress. We provide appropriate provision for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, with the intention of ensuring that all of our pupils are fully equipped for the next stage in their academic journey.

Quality first teaching is at the forefront of our approach, as all pupils are entitled to daily high quality teaching and learning. Whole class strategies are put in place to support pupils to learn more effectively, alongside targeted academic support to accelerate pupil progress.

We are committed to supporting our pupils’ social and emotional development and broadening their experiences and opportunities. We aim to develop pupils’ well-being and self-esteem so that they become confident learners, and empower students with the strategies they need in order to be successful both within school and in the wider world.

Our focus goes beyond the curriculum, ensuring all pupils have equal access to enriching extra-curricular activities and engaging with families to foster effective relationships that, in turn, lead to better support for our pupils.

Challenges to achievement

At Oak Farm we have identified key challenges to achievement among our disadvantaged pupils.

Some of our  challenges are:

  • Difficulties with phonics and reading
  • Lack of confidence/low self-esteem
  • Concentration and listening skills
  • Limited vocabulary and poor grammar compared with peers
  • Parental support at home
  • Lack of computer at home to support home learning

How Oak Farm uses its Pupil Premium

At Oak Farm, we target our use of Pupil Premium funding to remove the barriers we have identified and improve standards for eligible pupils. In 2024-2025, Pupil Premium eligible pupils form 13% of the school population.

In 2024-2025, we received £112,480 of Pupil Premium funding. We also received £5,800 of Recovery funding.

In total we received £118,280.

For a full analysis of our planned expenditure please see our annual report below: