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Lunch payments

Cost of Lunches

Paying for Meals (for children in KS2 years 3-6).

Lunches are charged at a rate of £2.40 per day.

Payments must be made via your child's Parentmail Account in advance. Parentmail.

Where a debt is accrued, the school will follow its Debt Recovery Policy.

Please emender that you will have to pay for school meals when your child moved from year 2 to year 3.

Free Meals: 

Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM), a government initiative which means they can have a school lunch every day, and they do not have to pay for a school meal.

Free School Meals are available to pupils whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits: check your eligibility: FSM Eligibility Checker From Nursery to Year 6, the FSM eligibility offers advantages to both the pupil and the school.  We encourage you to apply for Free School Meals status, regardless of the academic year your child attends.

Ordering a hot lunch:

Parents/carers can look at the menu with their child regularly to help them make lunch choices.  Each morning during registration, the children will be asked for their choice of day.

Having a hot meal at school encourages children to try new foods early in their developing years and aids concentration for afternoon lessons.  We encourage children to try different foods and to sample any foods they are not familiar with. We ask children to eat at least half their meals and assist them with their choices and try to make lunchtime a happy social experience.